The Stunts Unlimited Directory is the first place our stunt coordinators and 2nd unit directors search for stunt hires. Never before has any group culminated such a trusted pool of talent, vetted on an individual basis. Inclusion in this database is an endorsement from our members to our members.

Your searchable profile in our public stunt directory will include: Up to eight photos, sizes, abilities and links to your IMDB profile, website and reels.

The Process:

1. You must be sponsored by a Stunts Unlimited Member that you have worked with. Click here to see a full list of our Members*

If you do not have contact information for the SU member(s) you would like to ask to be your sponsor, you can email and we will forward your request.

2. Once you have at least one member of Stunts Unlimited who has agreed to be your sponsor, submit your headshot, resume, reel and the name of your sponsor(s) to

3. Once we confirm with your sponsor(s), your materials will be submitted to the Stunts Unlimited Board of Directors for vote. If you are voted into the directory, you will be given payment instructions to pay for your annual membership fee (typically $300 annually) and we will create your searchable profile on the Stunts Unlimited Directory website.

Please contact for more information about the Stunts Unlimited Directory.

*Directory members are not members of Stunts Unlimited.

** Directory membership does not in any way guarantee employment nor anything from Stunts Unlimited Inc. or the members of Stunts Unlimited .

*** Stunts Unlimited reserves the right to revoke directory membership without refund at any point during the subscription for conduct unbecoming of a directory member. This includes unprofessionalism while working, bad business practices and contributing to unsafe working conditions. If there is a question of your conduct, the issues will be brought to the board of directors, which will vote for expulsion or not.